Antipasto Ideas

Entertain your family and friends with this easy to do platter.


30 mins


6 + people


100g NFF Prosciutto
100g NFF outdoor Bred leg ham
100g NFF Spicy Chorizo
100g NFF Sopressa Mild Salami
100g NFF Italian Provolone Cheese
100g Sicilian Olives
100g Marinated Mushrooms
100g Fetta filled Pepper dews
100g Semi-Dried Tomatoes


Take the smallgoods and roll them into a flower and place them in a rustic fashion on the board. Chop or roll your cheese and place them next to the cold cuts. Place olives and antipasti around platter. Be sure to mix up colours. Cut some freshly warmed bread and/or crackers and place on board or in bowl on the side. And you’re ready to eat. Buon Appetite

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